Dave Bautista’s Tragic Real-Life Story

Whether you know Dave Bautista as a fearsome WWE superstar or as a galactic guardian named Drax, you’re probably a fan. Dave Bautista is a really likeable,

personable, agreeable sort of person. But it’s kind of surprising if you know very much about what Dave Bautista has been through.

Bautista was born in 1969, and according to his book, Batista Unleashed, the Washington D.C. area he grew up in was one of the nation’s poorest at the time.

As he was growing up, crack coca.ine was about to hit the str.eets, ki.llings in the neighb.orhood were common,

and according to him, life expectancy for children was, quote, “worse than in many third world countries.”

Bautista casually mentions that three people died on his doorstep before he turned 9. In an interview with the Tampa Bay Times,

he elaborates on one particular death, where his mother found a man dying of a gunshot wound outside their house.

She called for help, but the officials took too long, and the man didn’t make it. Meanwhile, Bautista,

his sister, and several other children were playing outside nearby. They were so accustomed to violent sights that they didn’t even shed a tear,

and after Bautista’s mother saw it, the family promptly moved to San Francisco.

Watch for more about Dave Bautista’s tragic real-life story!

The post Dave Bautista’s Tragic Real-Life Story appeared first on Vijesti.

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