Marvel Studios Is Already Planning the MCU For the Year 2029

Scarlet Witch, Loki, Spider-Man, X-Men

Fans were blown away when Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, in 2014, said that his company had mapped out the Marvel Cinematic Universe up to 2028.

It was shocking to think that Marvel Studios had such an extensive roadmap for their universe planned out, while still likely taking into account other huge changes like the inclusion of Spider-Man with their Sony deal and the reclaiming of X-Men characters with the Fox buyout.

Kevin Feige has also said that kind of decade-ahead forethought is only for the “general plan” for the MCU and that typical Marvel Studios works with a more “specific” five-year plan. In fact, the Infinity Saga itself was planned and built up for six-years, so there's no telling what grander story Feige and Marvel Studios are waiting to tell audiences in its next phase of films and shows.

Feige has recently reiterated this time-frame and how far out Marvel Studios plans its film and shows.


In an interview with Collider, Kevin Feige was asked how far ahead Marvel Studios is planning its upcoming movies and TV shows, with Feige giving a similar answer he's given before:

“To varying degrees of specificity, it’s always about 5 to 6 years out versus what we’ve announced. So whatever that takes us to.”

Marvel Studios has officially announced projects up through 2023, meaning that Marvel Studios already has their sights on projects releasing in 2028 and 2029.


It's hard to rack one's brain on how many unannounced projects are currently in early-development at Marvel Studios. There are already 10 movies and shows planning to release in 2021, just one year, but imagine what other projects await in 2024 and beyond. No doubt there will be plenty of new shows, especially with Feige confirming that streaming for the studio is “100 percent the future.”

There are dozens of projects at Marvel Studios rumored to be in development, such as introducing Alpha Flight and the Squadron Supreme. Bigger rumors have Kevin Feige with his eyes set on a new iteration of Ghost Rider and a movie focused on Nova for Phase Five of the MCU. There could be dozens of more projects in the Marvel Studios pipeline that no one has a clue about, but it will be all the more exciting when they're slowly uncovered or announced one by one.

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