Dumbest Criminals Who Got Caught On Camera

Movies can m.ake dif.fi.cult things lo.ok easy,

but don’t be foo.le.d, that oft.en doe.sn’t tran.slate well wh.en you try it in re.al li.fe.

Take dar.ing ela.bor.ate rob.beri.es we all love wa.tch.ing on

sc.reen for ex.ample: very very few cr.imi.na.ls can

ac.tua.lly pu.ll off a cr.i.me that sm.oot.hly.

M.ost just end up l.i.ke the peo.ple on this list.

Re.ady to se.e th.em?

The post Dumbest Criminals Who Got Caught On Camera appeared first on Vijesti.

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