Justice League: Unused Design For Snyder Cut's Parademons Revealed

Batman Parademons Justice League

Even more than a month after its debut on HBO Max, fans are still in deep discussion over the final results of Zack Snyder's Justice League. The movie helped the DC Extended Universe save face after the disastrous kickback from 2017's Justice League, bringing upgraded designs for multiple characters and filling in major plot holes that were lost in the chaos of a directorial switch midway through production.

While some new looks for characters came in the form of exciting costumes like a black-suited Superman, others came through major upgrades on the CGI front in post-production. While developing that CGI, Snyder's VFX team went through dozens of looks for the film's biggest characters, particularly the ones that had no human elements in the final cut of the movie.

One of these designs was recently revealed on social media, and it certainly keeps up with the creepy factor seen throughout the Snyder Cut...


Zack Snyder's Justice League concept artist Jerad Marantz shared two posts on Instagram detailing an early designs for the parademons in the movie. 


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This "early pass" at the parademon design shows off the creature with wings and armor reminiscent of Steppenwolf, the film's primary antagonist. Marantz included the following caption:

"I did an early pass at the Parademons for Justice League that had wings and armor similar to that of Steppenwolf’s armor. This was a concept of how the wings would fold up. I’ve always thought this was a really fun piece."

 Parademons Justice League
Zack Snyder's Justice League

Fans saw a less elegant design of these wings in the final cut of Zack Snyder's Justice League. 


A post shared by jsmarantz (@jsmarantz)

Merantz also took to Instagram to show off a design for an Apokoltians pod, teasing the look for more beings from Apokalips in the movie. It came with the following caption:

"Here’s another cool concept that didn’t make it in Justice League I had a lot of fun coming up with the looks of different types of apokoltians"


While the parademons were mostly used as an army for Darkseid and Steppenwolf, they still posed quite the threat to the Justice League due to their ferociously violent nature. The Snyder Cut helped make them even more formidable in multiple battles against the film's core group of heroes, and the post-production team added a great deal of quality to their final look on screen.

Even with their improved design, these images would likely have made the minions that much more terrifying with a look close to that of their leader. While these designs may have been left on the cutting room floor, they helped bring the villains in this movie to new heights as Zack Snyder and his team did everything in their power to improve that side of the battle.

Zack Snyder's Justice League is now available to stream on HBO Max.

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