Justice League: New Photo Shows Green Lantern Actor In Mo-Cap Costume On Set

Green Lantern Justice League Batman Wonder Woman

After years of fan campaigning and outcry, Zack Snyder's Justice League has brought the director's original vision for the 2017 film to HBO Max in four-hour extravaganza.

Despite this, Warner Bros. still prevented Snyder from doing everything that he wanted with the Snyder Cut. The most notable of these omissions was a potential cameo from John Stewart's Green Lantern, who would have appeared alongside fellow Leaguer Martian Manhunter. Concept art revealed what Snyder's version of Green Lantern would look like, sporting an extremely comic accurate costume.

What makes the situation even baffling is that the scene itself was actually filmed, with Wayne T. Carr being unveiled as the actor who would have played John Stewart. Cyborg actor Ray Fisher had introduced the actor to Zack Snyder, who then brought Carr aboard to film the scene on a makeshift set in the director's own driveway.

Now, the actor has revealed the first image of himself on the set of Justice League...


In a new post to social media, Zack Snyder's Justice League actor Wayne T. Carr shared a behind-the-scenes photo of himself dressed up in a mo-cap suit. 

Carr is seen surrounded by a green screen on a set constructed in director Zack Snyder's driveway, with an emerald glow emulating the light of the Green Lantern ring.

Wayne T. Carr on Justice League set
From Wayne T. Carr's Twitter

Carr's caption read:

GRATEFUL! Stretching between takes.

#drivewaystudios #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

Based on concept art for Zack Snyder's Justice League, Wayne T. Carr's Green Lantern suit would have looked similar to this:

Green Lantern Concept Art
Concept art for Zack Snyder's Justice League

Fellow Snyder Cut actor Ray Fisher shared his support for Carr, telling him that "the suit looks good on you, brother."



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