The Flash Movie Is Playing With 'Super Strange' Ideas, Teases VFX Supervisor

Ezra Miller's Barry Allen aka, The Flash. Fans are somewhat divided on what Miller brings to the character and there have been some criticisms leveled at his overall portrayal. However, there seem to be just as many, if not more, fans singing his praises, particularly after the release of Zack Snyder's Justice League.
If one were only looking at the 2017 theatrical cut of Justice League, perhaps Flash wouldn't come across as a fan favorite. But as production continues on the character's 2022 solo film, audiences are going to be seeing a lot more of Miller as Barry.

Speaking to Beyond the Trailer, VFX supervisor on the upcoming The Flash movie, John "D.J." Des Jardin had this to say on the special effects in development for the upcoming film, noting that he's working to help "extend the look" of the character from his past appearance in Zack Snyder's Justice League.
"There are a lot of things and. I don't really wanna talk about them, because they'll kinda give away maybe some of the technology and some of the fun stuff.... I would just say that [Director Andy Muschietti]'s got some really interesting concepts of ways to extend the look and the vibe of the Barry Allen Flash, the Ezra Miller Flash, the Zack Snyder Flash that we kind of gave you a taste of in Justice League and kind of goes on from there."
He also teases some "super strange and intriguing" things in the film, as it pertains to the visual effects.
"And I really don't wanna say anything because y'know, Bryan and his team have been doing a lot of conceptual R&D to get a lot of these concepts and things nailed down, really successfully, I might add... I think Bryan can back me up on this- some of the ideas are super, super strange and very intriguing because of that."
It certainly seems as though they're putting the time into thinking just how to bring Barry's powers and abilities to life in conjunction with how fans saw them in Justice League while also bringing something new to the table.
It stands to reason that audiences will spend more time in the Speed Force along with Barry in this film. The Speed Force is, of course, a source of cosmic energy that gives the Flash his superhuman speed.
Much has been done with the Speed Force with the television version of the character in the series that airs on The CW, but fans also saw it in Zack Snyder's Justice League during the sequence where Barry runs so fast to help his friends that he far exceeds the speed of light.
Perhaps further expanding upon the Speed Force is what Des Jardin was referring too when mentioning the "super strange" elements in the film.
It's also very much worth noting that Des Jardin makes mention of the Zack Snyder version of the character. Could the story possibly continue on from Snyder's version of Justice League as opposed to the much-maligned 2017 theatrical version?
Even though the 2017 movie left Barry Allen in much the same place as Snyder did, the Snyder Cut explored the character and his world considerably more, particularly by introducing his love interest, Iris West.
The Flash speeds into theaters starting November 4, 2022.
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