Avengers: Endgame: Ryan Reynolds Admits He's Crying Over 'Beautiful' Scenes & Audience Reactions

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Comic book movie fandom has hit the point where fans are no longer ashamed of their emotions when something big happens. That sentiment rang the truest in April 2019 with the theatrical debut of Avengers: Endgame. 

As many Marvel fans prepare to flock to theaters for the first time in two years for Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, emotions are bound to be high as this is the return of film in the MCU. Few movie franchises have a fan base as passionate as the MCU's. This was put on full display when fan-reaction videos of Avengers: Endgame swept across the internet in the Summer of 2019. 

Many stars have spoken out about how much that emotion means to them, especially with these big blockbuster movies. And Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds is the latest to show appreciation to how much fans love these movies. 


Avengers Endgame Deadpool Ryan Reynolds

In a recent interview with Total Film, via Digital Spy, Ryan Reynolds described how he "sobbed" while watching audience reactions to the highlight moments of Avengers: Endgame.

"Maybe I'm emotional because of everything that's going on in the world, but I was sobbing this morning watching that, that is some of the most beautiful, big-budget action filmmaking that I've ever seen."

As Reynolds is set to be the only (confirmed) star of the Fox Studios X-Men franchise making his way to the MCU after the merger with Disney, he seems to be on the edge of his seat waiting for fans to see what is in store. 

"That's one thing I'm really looking forward to, and that I really miss – in a movie theatre and watching a movie that way. It's a unique experience."


The war on movie theaters is one that was escalated quickly by the COVID-19 pandemic. And while many theaters across the world are able to open their doors once again, there are still obstacles in the way of getting back to the box office heyday that was April 2019.

Streaming services like HBO Max and Disney+ are allowing options for people to pay higher prices to buy new releases at home the same day they premiere in theaters. No one is sure how long that strategy will last, but it does put the pressure on the good 'ol fashion movie-going experience. 

This is why it is so exciting for theater loyalists to see big names like Ryan Reynolds express his love for the popcorn experience.

For someone who has been on the top and bottom of what comic book movies can be, his love for the fans is what positions him near the top of the list of fan favorites. Avengers: Endgame was a moment and it is great to see someone like Reynolds realize that and show his support for those moments to stick around past the pandemic. 

The Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to have the leg up on other movie franchises for a variety of reasons. Least of which is that the people behind these films truly seem to care about the product, and the people watching said product.

This is one of the many reasons Reynolds is a perfect fit to transition into the MCU from the FOX-Men universe. He has shown he has a passion for these films that make them so successful. 

Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, and others set the bar for actors caring about the fans in the MCU, and Ryan Reynolds seems to be set on clearing that bar as he makes the jump to "the big leagues."

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