Ezra Miller Comments on Ben Affleck & Michael Keaton's Batmen In The Flash Movie

The Flash Batmen


Ben Affleck Batman The Flash

One of Warner Bros.' most intriguing projects is The Flash. The film will not only star Ezra Miller as the Scarlet Speedster but also multiple Batmen including both Ben Affleck's and Michael Keaton's.

Just how that's going to be explained in the film has been a question among fans, but in a recently leaked featurette, Ezra Miller broke it all down by saying that The Flash is "the first quantum superhero because he follows how pitch, speed, and velocity determines the makeup of reality" and claims that he "can travel through time."

This explains how there could be more than one Caped Crusader and confirms as much in stating that "there's multiple Batman's, Batsmen? There's more than one Batman."

Miller wasn't afraid to share his excitement for his first superhero solo film, saying that The Flash "is like the most hypebeast-ly DC movie ever. It's going to blow people's heads off."


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