Star Wars: Emilia Clarke Addresses Rumored Return In Disney+'s Lando Show

Emilia Clarke Qira, Lando, Solo Star Wars

Disney's Investor Day back in December was a gargantuan event. It was all but a massive Comic-Con, one sorely needed after the experience of 2020. In fact, with all the news coming out of that event, one would be forgiven for forgetting that the whole event was actually mainly for Disney's investors.

One of the many Star Wars projects that were announced was the Lando series. While further details were not given, plenty of rumors surfaced afterward saying that the show was indeed set to feature the younger Lando seen in Solo: A Star Wars Story, with Donald Glover returning to the role.

Of course, Glover's return would indicate that it was set during the same era as Han Solo's origin film. In turn, one would think that many of the cast members seen in that project would be likely to come back.

Amongst those people, is Emilia Clarke's Qi'ra. Not only did her character betray Han Solo, but she has deep connections with Darth Maul. So could fans see her return?


Lando Calrissian Donald Glover
Star Wars

On the Happy Confused Podcast, via Star Wars News Net, Emilia Clarke was asked if she had heard anything about returning as Qi'ra in the upcoming Lando series. Sadly, she's "had nothing."

“I’ve had nothing. […] Absolutely nothing. But a ‘Lando’ show makes so much sense, give that man his own show! Yes!”

Prior to Clarke revealing that she hadn't heard anything about returning for Lando, Josh Horowitz mentioned how he felt that Solo: A Star Wars Story was receiving more and more love as time goes by.

Clarke responded with excitement, telling Horowitz how "that makes [her] so happy..."

“That makes me so happy because… I loved Qi’ra. Loved her, really really did. I loved Han, I loved the story, I loved the people, I loved the experience. It was one of those ones where you know if you know too much about a celebrity, and you go and watch that movie and you’re just thinking about how many kids Angelina Jolie has? And I feel like our movie is that. Everyone went in knowing what our dirty laundry looked like. And you couldn’t separate that gossip from the overall experience, but I’m so over the moon that people are posthumously enjoying it.”


It's important to note that while Emilia Clarke says that she hasn't heard anything, that doesn't mean she won't in the future. Not to mention the many rumors that are swirling around, teasing Qi'ra's return.

In fact, The Direct exclusively revealed that Darth Maul will be appearing in multiple Star Wars Disney+ shows. It's hard to discount the very strong ties that Emilia Clarke's Qi'ra has with that character. So if Maul does in fact return, the likelihood of Clarke appearing at some point is fairly high.

Answers to all of this speculation look to be far out. While Lando was officially announced, there hasn't been much movement on the project. That goes for most of those projects announced alongside Lando. Lucasfilm secretly got Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker in the season 2 The Mandalorian finale—that means anything could happen.

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