The Direct Podcast: Top Loki Moments, Shazam 2 Costume, Chris Hemsworth's Arms

* The Direct Podcast will be releasing on Fridays starting June 11 *
This week is full of top news, a look into the content schedule, and a review of the best Loki moments in the MCU.
We spend way to much time breaking down Chris Hemsworth's arms in a recent picture announcing the wrap of Thor: Love and Thunder.
Shazam 2 will feature an updated look for the title hero. We go into what we like about it and what we are most excited for in the sequel.
With Loki being released on Wednesdays, we will see our first real overlap of content in Phase 4 of the MCU. How will you handle Black Widow being released between the pen-ultimate and final episode of Loki.
And we finish things up with a list of the best Loki moments so far in the MCU! What is your favorite?
2:28 - Production Note
4:28 - Quick Question
11:18 - Sizzle Reel
13:43 - Hemsworth's Biceps / Thor 4 Wraps
17:48 - Ruffalo / She-Hulk Photos
20:07 - Shazam 2 Footage
26:08 - The Bigger Picture: Overlapping Content
44:35 - Best Loki Moments List
1:15:01 - Weekly Recs
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