James Gunn Admits He’s Anxious About What’s After Guardians of the Galaxy 3

James Gunn is probably one of the biggest names in the entire comic book film genre, particularly on the creative side of things. The director is the one responsible for bringing The Guardians of the Galaxy, and its zany characters, out of obscurity and into the spotlight.
Now, Gunn has all but done it again, saving the Suicide Squad franchise from extinction with The Suicide Squad. His new film has gone on to be a massive hit both critically and with fans alike.
Needless to say, James Gunn is a busy man whose recent success is likely only the start of a new era for the famous director.
With The Suicide Squad out of the door, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 next up, what could possibly follow those two massive endeavors? Well, it's apparently something that causes anxiety for Gunn. But who can blame him?

Talking with James Gunn, Variety was able to ask the fan-favorite director and writer where he could possibly go next after outings such as The Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
According to Gunn, he had actually gone "to sleep [the previous] night about what [he] was gonna do after Guardians 3...:"
"I’m ridiculous. Like, I went to sleep last night anxious about what I was gonna do after 'Guardians 3,' no kidding. And then I realized that I’m just gonna be anxious about whatever is the next thing beyond."
At the end of the day, though, Gunn admits to himself that he has "a movie that I love and a TV show that I love in the can and done...:"
"I’ve got a movie that I love and a TV show that I love in the can and done, and then a script that I think is great that I’m about to work on. So, the most fortunate thing is I know exactly where I’m going, because we have eight episodes of “Peacemaker” shot. “Peacemaker” is both smaller and bigger than “The Suicide Squad.”
Gunn finished by teasing The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, saying that the film is "a big, big, big, big movie...:"
"And then I have to get started on “Guardians 3.” That’s a big, big, big, big movie, and now we’re just trying to figure out a way to make it. Hopefully, we can."
Gunn certainly does have a full plate. The Suicide Squad and The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 aside, the director has both Peacemaker and The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special to contend with––though John Cena's solo streaming outing is already filmed and ready to go.
That makes The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special the most unknown of his announced projects. Next to no details have been revealed about the project, except for the fact that the streaming venture is required reading for the Guardians threequel.
As for the next time fans will see Quill and his team in theaters, they'll sadly have to wait until May 5, 2023. James Gunn has teased the massive scale of The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 several times, and a few of the cast members have even read the script; some even admitted to crying after having finished. It seems that fans are in for an emotional ride.
Gunn has been fairly adamant that Vol. 3 will be his final adventure with the team. All signs are pointing to his next project being something with Warner Bros. and DC Comics. Just recently, the studio publicly stated the doors are open for James Gunn to have at whatever his heart desires––an offer which the famous director is likely not to pass up.
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