Marvel's Shang-Chi Reviews: What Are Critics' First Reactions?

Shang-Chi Marvel Studios Simu Liu The Mandarin

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is back in the cinemas. After the controversial hybrid release of Black Widow, Marvel Studios is set to debut their first theatrically-exclusive picture in over two years with Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Following leading man Simu Liu, Shang-Chi tells the age-old tale of the prodigal son returning to his confrontational (and assumedly evil) father. Coupled with the film's promise to answer a decade-old Mandarin mysteryShang-Chi has the world's full attention.

Beyond the plot, Shang-Chi is a film of firsts. It's the first Asian-led Marvel Universe movie. It's the first martial arts Marvel Universe movie. It's the first origin story of Phase 4. The list goes on and on.

While Shang-Chi has a lot going for it, there are factors working against it. In any other year, a theatrically-exclusive release is a colossal vote of confidence. In 2021, the cinematic rollout is being described as an "interesting experiment." With COVID-19 concerns worldwide, shadows of doubt have been cast on this film's box office potential.

As creative as promotional pushes can get, there's no better marketing campaign than word of mouth. With that being said, how are critics reacting after Shang-Chi's world premiere?


Shang Chi Poster

Just under three weeks before it hits theaters, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings debuted its world premiere to stars and critics alike.'s Brandon Davis says the film is full of "action like we've never seen from the MCU before" while also noting it's "darker than expected."

"#ShangChi is awesome. This movie hits all that Marvel does well (pacing, humor, character) and adds action like we’ve never seen from the MCU before! Lots of people are about to have a new favorite Marvel hero. Darker than expected. Loads of fun. Integral to MCU Phase 4!"

Insider's Kirsten Acuna praised the film's cast, specifically citing the leading women and star Simu Liu.

"#ShangChi is fantastic. It's full of INCREDIBLE, beautifully choreographed fight scenes and full of badass women. Get ready to know Simu Liu's name if you don't already. Marvel has another hit on its hands."

Fandom's Eric Goldman emphasized that the film has "a lot not in the trailers" and presents "distinct elements" that set it apart from the typical origin stories.

"I really dug #ShangChi! There is a lot not in the trailers (maybe avoid ads in the next couple of weeks I fear will show more?) and it has its own vibe and distinct elements that make it stand out and not feel like a standard origin story. And Simu Liu makes for an awesome hero."

The Hollywood Reporter's Aaron Couch called the theater atmosphere "the most enthusiastic [he's] been with since [Avengers:] Endgame."

"The #ShangChi crowd was the most enthusiastic I have been with since Endgame. Couldn’t hear some of the post credit scene dialogue due to cheering. Shang and Katy are instant MCU all-stars."

The Wrap's Umberto Gonzalez mentions that Shang-Chi is Marvel's "first true family movie" with plenty of "likeable characters."

"#ShangChi was a blast! Actually, Marvel's first true "family movie" that has a lot of heart. Loads of fun, great fight choreography, & likeable characters galore!"


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