Marvel Had Meeting With Robert Downey Jr. for Doctor Doom Role

Iron Man, Doctor Doom, Robert Downey Jr

Life before the Marvel Cinematic Universe was something else. It's astonishing to look back and see how far the genre has come. Films like BladeX-Men, and Spider-Man helped make the foundation of the MCU possible. 

Of course, anything built on that foundation wouldn't have gone anywhere if Iron Man hadn't been successful. It was truly down to that iconic role; Tony Stark was the key to success far greater than anyone at the time could fathom.

It's difficult to imagine Robert Downey Jr. as anyone other than Iron Man. Even outside the MCU the actor hasn't done all that much—with Sherlock Holmes being his biggest movie where he isn't in a metal suit.

Little did everyone know, before the famous actor was called in for Iron Man, there was another character he might have played: Doctor Doom.

Robert Downey Jr. as Doctor Doom?

Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr

The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe recently hit stores, and it contains hundreds of pages of new information regarding the creation of the MCU.

As the book goes over the casting of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, the most curious piece of information is casually dropped in by Iron Man director Jon Favreau.

According to him, "Marvel had already met with [Robert Downey Jr.] before, I think, to play Doctor Doom."

This would likely have been for 2005's Fantastic Four. When Marvel Studios was casting Tony Stark, they were not able to use those characters; Fox had complete control of them.

Fantastic Four (2005)

Fans can pick up The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe now, wherever books are sold.

Iron Man Could Have Been Doom

Robert Downey Jr. as Victor Von Doom is a bizarre thought. It's mind-blowing to think that the casting was even in the conversation to begin with.

It's not that the actor couldn't make a great Doctor Doom, because he'd be incredible, but rather because he is so iconically Tony Stark. With the Multiverse in play, how awesome would it be to see him take on that role one day down the line? Imagine the awesome irony of Downey embodying Infamous Iron Man; it's too great a thought. 

In the end, it's safe to say that the role of Tony Stark did the actor well, so he surely feels no loss on his part.

The MCU is set to get its Doctor Doom at some point in the next few years. With the Fantastic Four on the way, it's only a matter of time before someone is publicly cast in the role.

Fans can pick up The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe now, wherever books are sold.

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