Spider-Man: No Way Home Leak Spoils Origin of Peter Parker’s Black & Gold Suit

Spider-Man, MCU, Marvel

In case it wasn't obvious, there's this really big Marvel movie set to close out this year: Spider-Man: No Way Home. It's so big that the film's first trailer even beat the viewership record that Avengers: Endgame pulled in.

There's a lot to take in when it comes to what fans might see when they get to watch the movie. From the return of Alfred Molina's Doc Ock to the possible re-introduction of Matt Murdock, and even the possible appearances of Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire's Spider-Men––it's going to be quite the ride.

One of the mysteries that audiences have been grappling with is the existence of Spidey's Black and Gold suit, which has brought up a lot of questions as to what situation will call for its existence.

The added marketing that includes magical elements brings up even more questions. It's a curious suit, and the tech/circuitry elements make for an interesting visual aesthetic.

Well, now, it seems the reason behind the suit being used by Peter has been revealed. The reason? Well, it's the very same suit that we've already seen him in.

Spider-Man's Black & Gold Suit Exposed

Spider-Man: No Way Home, black suit

Thanks to The Cosmic Wonder, fans now potentially have some new details about Spider-Man's Black and Gold suit that will be used in Spider-Man: No Way Home

Supposedly, in the film, there is a scene where Tom Holland's Spider-Man is stopping a mugging––one perpetrated by a criminal played by none other than a character played by the actor's brother, Harry Holland.

After webbing up the would-be robber above the sidewalk, a Mysterio supporter runs up to Peter and throws a bucket of green paint on his Spider-Man suit––the same red and black one seen at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Peter's response to this? Well, he turns that suit inside out. What's revealed is the same Black and Gold suit that fans have been seeing in marketing and briefly in the film's first trailer.

Cosmic Wonder backs up its information by sourcing a Black and Gold suit Halloween costume for the film, which has the label "Reversible! As seen [sic] in the movie."

It's important to note that this isn't confirmed and remains strictly a rumor. If true, however, it certainly is an interesting way for Spidey to get a new look.

Spider-Man's Red and Black Inside Out

This information brings up a lot of questions.

If the suit is truly just flipped inside out, surely it can't be good for all that exposed circuitry to be the first thing hit in combat––especially if Peter's fighting Electro as seen in the first trailer, wearing this same suit.

Also, if everything is reversed, how do the eyes still look and function like usual? Sure, there's always the possibility that somehow the eyes could be attached the same way on the reverse side, but that's some odd foresight on Peter's part.

More importantly, if this move was just to cover up paint, why does he stick with the suit for so long? After all, he still has the Iron Spider suit––and creating a new suit isn't outside of his wheelhouse.

Yet, for some reason, he keeps the suit around long enough to be using magic with it at some point in the film (seen in the many toys on the market)––and fighting big villains as well.

There are lots of questions, no doubt, but fans will have to wait until Spider-Man: No Way Home hits theaters on December 17, 2021.

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