New Hawkeye Trailer Calls Back to Mysterio's Iconic Spider-Man: Far From Home Line

Hawkeye, Spider-Man: Far From Home

After kicking the year off with the MCU’s first four episodic outings on Disney+, Marvel Studios looks to end it with a bang in the streaming sphere with six episodes of Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye. As Renner finally gets his first MCU solo project following a decade of supporting roles, the franchise’s archery master will be in for some of his biggest challenges to date, all during the holiday season.

Following his emotionally draining experience in Avengers: Endgame, Barton will revisit his superhero days as new threats come to the forefront. These threats will even force the hero to take a trip back to his darker day as the vigilante Ronin, although that’s just the start of the madness.

Hailee Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop will begin her own hero’s journey alongside her Avengers idol, which has played a key role in the show’s marketing campaign for the past few months.

As the series gets closer to its Disney+ debut, Marvel unveiled new footage of Barton and Bishop with some fun ties back to past MCU outings.

A Bishop Family Affair in Hawkeye

Marvel Studios released a new 30-second TV spot for Hawkeye, featuring thrilling action scenes from Jeremy Renner's Clint Barton and Hailee Steinfeld's Kate Bishop.

Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Hawkeye
Marvel Studios

The promo also gives the best look yet at Vera Farmiga's Eleanor Bishop as she speaks with her daughter Kate and Clint about their adventures.

Eleanor Bishop, Hawkeye
Marvel Studios

Eleanor even mentions a phrase that was first uttered in the MCU by Jake Gyllenhaal's Quentin Beck in Spider-Man: Far From Home, asking Clint if her daughter is helping with "an Avengers-level threat."

Mysterio, Spider-Man: Far From Home
Marvel Studios

Clint looks to see what Kate is actually made of in this trailer when he asks her if she "(wants) to be a be a superhero."

Kate Bishop, Hawkeye
Marvel Studios

The trailer gives an interesting shot of Hawkeye from a sideways angle as he tells Kate "You put your life in danger."

Clint Barton, Hawkeye
Marvel Studios

After Kate brings "cool costumes and trick arrows" into the discussion, the trailer ends with the two heroes being thrown back by some kind of energy blast on a roof.

Explosion, Hawkeye Trailer
Marvel Studios

The full TV spot can be seen below:


A New Partnership Forming in Marvel's Hawkeye

This new spot largely highlights Kate Bishop’s relationships in this series with her mother and Clint Barton, which will be quite the combination to navigate as she takes on her first Avengers-level mission.

While it's unclear how much screen time Vera Farmiga will see, it's clear that she will play a key role as Eleanor Bishop tries to help her daughter with her journey as a superhero. This will include forming a bond with Kate's mentor, Clint Barton, as both of them try to navigate the challenges of keeping Kate safe while also letting her grow into a hero.

This new spot featured plenty of archery work from both Barton and Bishop while once again teasing the Christmas theme for the series with a rendition of "Deck the Halls." With new action shots featuring some imminent danger in front of the new duo, it's becoming clear that Marvel Studios is bringing the feel of an Avengers outing to yet another solo project on Disney+.

Also shown is yet another connection to the larger MCU with Eleanor's direct reference to Mysterio's quote from Spider-Man: Far From Home.

The extent of Mysterio's worldwide fame could be teased in Hawkeye before he makes his impact in Spider-Man: No Way Home, although this quote could simply be a coincidence in-universe as well.

Regardless, Marvel knows exactly how to connect its new entries to the MCU's past, and it should be the first of many ties back to Infinity Saga projects.

The first two episodes of Hawkeye will stream on Disney+ on November 24, 2021. 

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