Moon Knight Star Compares Oscar Isaac’s Performance to Robert Downey Jr's

Moon Knight, Oscar Isaac, Robert Downey Jr

Robert Downey Jr.: the man who helped launch the MCU empire. Much praise can be heaped upon his iconic portrayal of Tony Stark aka, Iron Man, a role he played over ten times total. And with the character's untimely demise, which was met in 2019's Avengers: Endgamemuch has been said both in-universe and in the real world regarding who will be the next Iron Man-level superhero to grace the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Enter: Moon Knight. Fan-favorite actor Oscar Isaac is set to take on the role of the lesser-known hero in March's upcoming solo series on Disney+. The part promises to be a juicy one for Isaac, as Moon Knight suffers from dissociative identity disorder, with each of his alter-egos taking on a life of their own.

So far, fans know about the timid Stephen Grant and the gun-for-hire Mark Spector as well as the costumed identities of Moon Knight himself, and the suit-and-tie-clad Mr. Knight, who will surely constitute separate personalities themselves.

Isaac Is Compared to Downey Jr. Himself

Moon Knight, Robert Downey Jr

Speaking to Empire Magazine, Moon Knight series stars Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke discuss the show. Isaac had the following to say on the "pressure" to get things right:

"It is risky. He's an obscure hero, and the things we're dealing with are very different. But because it's a limited series, rather than a movie, the pressure isn't there to make sure the opening weekend is massive. We're able to take more risks, to bring that experimental quality on a huge scale."

Also in the interview, Hawke thoroughly praises Oscar Isaac's take on the character, saying, “It’s an electrifying performance. Robert Downey [Jr] has got a run for his money...”

Series scribe Jeremy Slate also added the following: "It was important to all of us that we make a show that's actually about something, and it is."

Moon Knight Fans Have a Lot To Look Forward To

It's certainly encouraging to hear such high praise coming from those involved with the project.

Isaac himself has even gone as far as to say that Moon Knight is an introspective character piece on the level of the original Iron Man movie from 2008. That notion alone would indicate that MCU fans are in for a treat with this show.

Of course, with all these Iron Man comparisons, the show is setting itself up to fill some pretty big shoes. After all, millions of fans adored Downey's Tony Stark and flocked to each and every Marvel film he made. The guy was a massive box office draw during his MCU tenure.

Will Marvel Studios' Moon Knight live up to expectations? Audiences will find out when the hotly-anticipated series premieres on Disney+ March 30, 2022.

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