Thor: Love and Thunder’s Latest Trailer Features Spoilery Footage

Thor Love and Thunder spoilers

Thor: Love and Thunder is set to showcase an exciting adventure featuring Chris Hemsworth’s God of Thunder, marking the fourth solo adventure of the titular Asgardian. Directed by Taika Waititi, the upcoming sequel will also showcase familiar MCU heroes, such as the Guardians of the Galaxy, Valkyrie, Korg, and the much-talked-about comeback of Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster

In the film, Foster will transition into the Mighty Thor as she becomes worthy of the newly-reformed Mjolnir. The heroes are expected to band together to go up against Christian Bale’s Gorr the God Butcher

Marketing for Thor 4 has been ramping up in the past weeks, mainly due to the fact that the film’s release is inching closer. As a result, Marvel Studios is slowly showcasing spoiler-heavy footage through different trailers and clips. 

Now, a final trailer for Love and Thunder emerged online, giving away more intriguing footage from the movie. 

Thor 4 Ramps Up Marketing with Spoilery Footage 

Marvel Studios officially revealed a brand-new trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder, showcasing fresh (but spoiler-heavy) footage of Chris Hemsworth's titular Asgardian, Natalie Portman's Jane Foster, and more. 

Christian Bale's Gorr looks terrifying as he awaits his next victim: 

Christian Bale as Gorr, Thor 4
Marvel Studios

Two unnamed beings, who look similar to Celestials, make a brief appearance in the trailer: 

Celestials, Thor 4
Marvel Studios

Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie is ready for her next fight:

Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Thor 4
Marvel Studios

Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy plot their next move, but signs indicate that the latter will send the former home: 

Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor 4
Marvel Studios

One of Thor's mystical goats runs amok inside the Benatar while the Guardians try to stop the magical creature: 

Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor 4
Marvel Studios

Thor summons his inner Jean-Claude Van Damme as he stops two weapon-infused ships: 

Thor, Thor 4
Marvel Studios

Thor and Peter Quill's bromance is on full display in the upcoming sequel: 

Thor, Star-Lord, Thor 4
Marvel Studios

Korg looks amazed in this new shot while an Aztec/Mayan god observes from behind:

Korg, Thor 4
Marvel Studios

 The full trailer can be seen below:


Thor 4's Final Trailer Filled with MCU Easter Eggs 

Thor: Love and Thunder is poised to go all-in with Chris Hemsworth's comedic chops combined with insane action sequences. On top of that, the addition of Natalie Portman's Mighty Thor is expected to double the fun, and it seems that the team-up of the two Thors will be a sight to see. 

The latest (and hopefully, final) trailer gives off a vibe similar to the comedic timing of Thor: Ragnarok. Director Taika Waititi's infusion of new energy into the Thor character allowed the Marvel hero to shine, and it looks like the momentum will carry over into Love and Thunder while also affecting other characters, such as Jane Foster. 

Throughout his MCU tenure, Thor has been part of several super-teams, starting with the Avengers, the Revengers, and the Guardians of the Galaxy. The trailer indicates that another team led by Thor is set to debut in the movie, with Mighty Thor, Valkyrie, Korg, and the two mystical goats will be part of that ensemble

The presence of the Celestials in the trailer might also hint that a connection to Eternals could be featured, giving a clue to what happened in the film's crazy ending. The shot of Korg inside Zeus' city where a Mayan God can be seen could also hint that other notable Gods throughout history could end up appearing. It's likely that some Egyptian gods from Moon Knight could be featured as well. 

Thor: Love and Thunder is set to premiere in theaters on July 8. 

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