DC’s Batgirl Cancellation Report Debunked by Insiders

Batgirl, Batman, Warner Bros. Michael Keaton

Batgirl Movie Reportedly Removed From Schedule

The New York Post reported that Warner Bros. has removed the upcoming Batgirl movie from its release schedule despite the flick's $70 million price tag.

A top Hollywood source reportedly informed the outlet that the new solo film has been "shelved" by Warner Bros., meaning that it may never release in theaters or on HBO Max.

The report indicates reactions to the Batman spin-off were so bad that Warner Bros. decided to abandon the film.

However, notable scooper Big Screen Leaks responded to the report by simply replying "Me when I lie," potentially casting doubt on the outlet's information.

Hunter Bolding of That Hashtag Show echoed those sentiments by indicating that it "smells like bullshit," looking back to how he's reported similar news before:

"This smells like bullshit, and I’ve reported on DC shelving movies before."

Discussing Film editor-in-chief Jacob Fisher bluntly said that anybody who believes news like this is "out of [their] mind:"

"You’ve got to be absolutely out of your mind if you believe this is true. Stop falling for such callous bait."

Insider KC Walsh shared the article and noted how "obvious" it was that the story was completely made up:

"Again if you actually read the Post article it’s obvious it’s fabricated"

The Hollywood Reporter's Richard Newby asked how fans could take this report seriously considering where it came from:

"Y’all taking the NY Post’s fabricated bullshit seriously? Nah."

Fandom's Eric Goldman also debunked the report by noting that Warner Bros avoided promoting any of its post-2022 DC movies at San Diego Comic-Con, indicating that The Post used unreliable "proof" in its report:

"I have no idea if there's anything true about quality concerns but simply don't believe this won't be released and at least one bit of 'proof' they use (no mention by WB at SDCC) is ridiculous since WB didn't promote ANY post-2022 DC movie, including Aquaman, Flash or Blue Beetle"

Insider Grace Randolph shared how difficult it is "to get out of contracts" with regard to these kinds of releases, sharing in the opinion that the report is bogus:

"I heard this is NOT true

As someone who has said in the past that movies should be scrapped

I hear it's EXTREMELY difficult to get out of contracts / etc

which is why stuff like The New Mutants got released"

This story is developing. Please check back for updates!

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