Marvel Studios Will Put Its First-Ever Uncensored F-Bomb In Next Movie
Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will do things a little differently by having a character drop a full, uncensored f-bomb, the first in the MCU’s 15-year history.
Marvel Studios has primarily produced the MCU with families in mind. None of the violence is excessively graphic, the jokes are never too off-color, and up until next month, none of their projects have featured an f-bomb.
Sure, they’ve come close. May and Peter Parker started to utter the expletive before being interrupted by the closing credits of Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home, respectively. And Groot was implied to have used the f-word in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but given that all he can say is “I am Groot,” it was a little difficult to understand.
Read full article on The Direct.
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