Marvel's Eternals: New Merch Teases Thanos Location In MCU Movie

Thanos, The Eternals, Marvel Studios' Eternals

"Throughout the years, we have never interfered. Until now."

The Eternals may have yet to get their hands dirty within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but that doesn't mean Marvel's immortal ensemble hasn't rubbed shoulders with familiar faces.

The first full look at Chloe Zhao's Eternals name-dropped both Iron Man and Captain America, while also offering numerous shots that point to the star-spangled man's iconography. Early connections to the greater MCU link the Eternals with fan-favorite friendlies, but this squad looks poised to draw their biggest association with Marvel's most infamous antagonist.


Thanos might not be the only notable Titan in the MCU.

As discovered by @Eternalsupdate, a new Amazon listing for an Eternals calendar describes the team as having a familiar location as their home in the MCU:

"Living on Saturn's moon, Titan, the Eternals protect Earth from the Deviants--and all other forms of cosmic evil. This much-anticipated next big blockbuster from the Marvel Cinematic Universe is sure to have fans clamoring for more."

The non-final calendar cover can be viewed below:

Eternals calendar cover



If this description is to be believed, Titan becomes a far more significant location that just a desolate planet that inspired Thanos's infinity stone obsession.

Marvel Studios

Titan was first introduced in 2018's Avengers: Infinity War, seen by fans in its perished present state. Despite getting a glimpse at the planet's fruitful golden age through the lens of the reality stone, viewers have yet to really see an active Titan.

While that could change in Eternals, MCU lore seems to say otherwise. In Marvel Universe canon, Titan is its own planet, not a moon of Saturn like both this description and the comics have it.

Marvel Comics

This could be a mistake in the description, or it could be a case of this merchandise pulling a description from an online source that cites the comics.

Regardless, this is yet another indication of a connection between Marvel's immortal ensemble and the Mad Titan. This past fall, an interactive Avengers exhibit labeled Thanos as "the last of an ancient and highly sophisticated species known throughout the universe as ‘The Eternals’." Couple that with Angelina Jolie's Thena playing a big role in Eternals, Thanos's cousin on the page, and the writing seems on the wall for the son of A'lars to bear some linkage to this squad.

Eternals hits theaters on November 5, 2021.

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