Marvel's Next Hulu Show Is Reportedly So Violent It Won't Use the 'Marvel' Brand Name

Marvel Hulu Shows

In 2019, it was announced that Marvel Television would be partnering with Hulu to produce four animated seriesMODOK, Hit Monkey, Tigra & Dazzler, and Howard the Duck. Unfortunately for those shows, shortly after being announced, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige was given the additional title of Chief Creative Officer at Marvel.

Feige's new title prompted Marvel Television's Head of Television, Jeff Loeb, to leave the company after ten years soon after being shuttered and folded into Marvel Studios. Any projects in development were stopped with only shows in production allowed to continue like MODOK

After Marvel Television closed its doors, Tigra & Dazzler and Howard the Duck were both scrapped. Many had assumed Hit Monkey suffered the same fate, but it miraculously entered production in time to not be scrapped.

Hit Monkey Marvel cover
Marvel Comics

Interestingly, it appears that Hit Monkey, like Helstrom, won't have any Marvel branding associated with it.

Hit-Monkey Too Violent for Marvel

According to Entertainment Weekly, Hit Monkey is a "darkly comedic" animated series that will follow a Japanese snow macaque who meets a hitman named Bryce, voiced by Jason Sudeikis, and helps nurse him back to health. However, when Bryce dies, it's up to this monkey to seek vengeance, added by Bryce's ghost.

According to producer Josh Gordon, the titular assassin is "...a character who is violent and temper­amental but also deeply wounded and innocent."

Hit-Monkey Animated Series
Entertainment Weekly

According to sources close to Adam Barnhardt of, Hit Monkey will be "as hyper-violent as they come," which is why it will not "get the Marvel’s designation."

Doesn't Bode Well for Future Violence

If being too violent is what has Marvel disassociating with this animated series, that doesn't bode well for future R-rated content outside of Deadpool coming from Marvel. Unless this animated series is beyond the pale with its violence that would even make Wade Wilson blush.

After all, MODOK still has the honor of having the Marvel branding attached to it, despite its Robot Chicken level of violence. This is not to mention the Merc with a Mouth himself cutting off heads left and right, along with liberal use of profanity.

So, audiences will see for sure how violent Hit Monkey is when it hits Hulu on November 17, 2021.

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