Spider-Man: No Way Home: Kirsten Dunst Reacts to Return Rumors

Marvel, MCU, Spider-Man, Kirsten Dunst

With Marvel Studios' Eternals now in theaters, there's one movie left to release this year: Spider-Man: No Way Home. If its record-shattering first trailer is any indication, the world's anticipation is at a breaking point.

The film is confirmed to bring back the likes of Alfred Molina's Doc Ock, Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin, Jamie Foxx's Electro, and several more villains from previous Spider-Man installments. It seems that Tom Holland's Peter Parker is about to become familiar with the idea of the Sinister Six fairly quickly.

With the return of all those villains come the rumors that two other big names will be joining the party: Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire. Nothing has been confirmed, but plenty of evidence suggests their return is inevitable. In fact, both Marvel Studios and Sony seem to be at odds in terms of whether or not to show the two of them in the film's next trailer.

At one point, it was rumored that both Kirsten Dunst and Emma Stone would also be reprising their roles alongside their respective Spider-Man co-stars. So what's the update?

Well, Dunst may have a disappointing answer for some fans.

Will Kirsten Dunst Appear In Spider-Man: No Way Home?

Spider-Man Characters

In a discussion with Total Film, former Spider-Man star Kirsten Dunst commented on the possibility of her character showing up in this December's Spider-Man: No Way Home.

First, the actor revealed that she "[doesn't] watch superhero movies," with Captain America being the last one she remembers having seen:

"I haven't seen any of them. I don't watch superhero movies, though. I don't watch anything like that, It's just not my kind of movie. I can't tell you the last time I saw one. I think I saw maybe Captain America with my friend in a theater, which was–what?—a long time ago when that first came out. I just don't watch them."

After being asked point-blank if she was going to return alongside the rumored Tobey Maguire appearance, Dunst made it clear that "[she's] not in the movie:"

"I'm not in that movie, no [laughs]. I know there's rumors, right?... No, I'm the only one [not in it]. 'Can't put an old girl in there!"

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Obviously, at this stage of the game, it's hard to take Kirsten Dunst's word for it. Nearly every sign points to both Maguire and Garfield playing a significant role in Spider-Man: No Way Home, yet stars like Tom Holland continue to insist that they aren't in it.

The former Mary Jane has stated on record that she would love to do another Marvel film, having exclaimed how it "[would] pay for my kid's college." So, while the actor's heart may not be in the genre, she wouldn't say no to the money—so her return is certainly not off the table just yet.

If she does make it into Spider-Man; No Way Home, it would likely only be for a few minutes. With everything the film seemingly has to juggle, it's hard to imagine the character showing up for anything more than a fleeting moment, maybe when the former Spider-Men head their separate ways.

Fans will have to wait until December 17 later this year to find out.

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