Why James Gunn Is Thankful For WB's Troubles With Original Suicide Squad Movie

Even though the film has yet to release, Warner Bros.' upcoming DC film The Suicide Squad already has a unique, surprising history.
The film is kind of a remake and sort of sequel to David Ayer's 2016 Suicide Squad film whose marketing campaign generated all the buzz but left critics and audiences alike disappointed. But that wasn't the end of the story.
In addition to James Gunn of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy fame signing on to tackle the film his own way, Ayer was hearing his own experience with the Suicide Squad echoed by fellow DC director Zack Snyder. Both creators claimed studio interference ignored their visions and hurt their respective films.
In contrast, James Gunn has been nothing but positive about his relationship with Warner Bros.; with his version of the film a mere month away from release, the two Suicide Squad directors with two different experiences shared an exchange on social media.
In response to a tweet about The Suicide Squad's R-rated action, James Gunn commented by praising Warner Bros. for agreeing to his a "no-holds-barred" R-rated war film and posting the following:
When I first met with @wbpictures & @DCComics about #TheSuicideSquad I said it would need to be an R-rated war film with no-holds-barred. I am always up front with partners about what I want to do. They agreed. Once the rules were set we were off & running. I love this movie. https://t.co/NPzlpCNBg7
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) July 6, 2021
David Ayer replied to this statement with a tweet that simply read, "Dang," which is likely due to his different experience with the studio.
— David Ayer (@DavidAyerMovies) July 7, 2021
However, Gunn was gracious in his reply, crediting Ayer and Warner Bros' troubles for helping "to pave an easier path" for him, saying:
Although a lot of the major players at Warners were different people, there was no doubt their troubles with you helped to pave an easier path for me, David, so I’m very grateful for that, and for everything else you did to help this movie along its path.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) July 7, 2021
Ayer responded in kind with a tweet that read, "Aw man thank you. You’re good people James. Godspeed."
Aw man thank you. You’re good people James. Godspeed. https://t.co/IckGhxLNST
— David Ayer (@DavidAyerMovies) July 7, 2021
Gunn completed the exchange with a simple heart emoji:
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) July 7, 2021
Zack Snyder received his Snyder Cut. James Gunn has remade Ayer's film. Talk about a tough and awkward situation for the original Suicide Squad director!
Plus, it's probably going to get tougher as comparisons between his 2016 film and Gunn's version are only likely to increase when The Suicide Squad debuts next month.
Gunn's comments toward Ayer, however, prove that the Guardians of the Galaxy director has no interest in competing against or discrediting Ayer. It was a classy move and an example of how dialogue on social media can and should be.
In fact, social media may have been the perfect place for such an exchange since it was organic and sincere as opposed to being orchestrated by media. Hopefully, it will help undercut any of the negative attention Ayer's prior film may receive amid promotion for Gunn's The Suicide Squad.
And, who knows? Maybe, this new version may help generate the push for the release of Ayer's cut? As DC director Zack Snyder can attest, stranger things have happened.
The Suicide Squad is set to release in theaters and on HBO Max on August 6, 2021.
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